Thursday, April 4, 2013

Lessons Learned, 1-3

Goodness, gracious...this was a tough week.

I came down with a horrible case of what-about-me-itis, and things went really sour a couple of times. But, from the other side of the hurricane, I can honestly say I am wiser for it. After all, if you can't learn a lesson from all the messy mistakes you make, why make them?

So here's what I learned:

1. It's real hard to love like Jesus. This realization slapped me in the face. Then pulled my hair. Then pushed me down. Then threw mud at me. That's how hard it hit me! I can say I love CK all I want, but the minute I start putting me and my needs over him and his (especially in current circumstances), it all goes out the window.

2. But it's not impossible. It gets easier when I think about what He did for me, not what I'm not getting from CK. It gets easier when I shift my focus to pouring into CK like Jesus poured into those He loved. It gets easier when I ground myself in the Word, actively seeking to be reminded of how God loves me.

3. Love is a choice. I've heard this before, so it's not necessarily a revelation. Let's just say I re-learned it this week. My natural inclination is to protect myself, to be concerned over getting my needs met. I don't wake up wanting to value others above myself, but as a follower, I'm called to do just that (Philippians 2:3-4). I can let the call keep ringing, or send it straight to voicemail 'cause I just don't feel like dealing with it, or I can answer the call. And do it with a humble heart.

The list could go on, but it's getting late, so I'll leave it as a work-in-progress...just like me. :)

Lord, thank you for Your wisdom and for getting Your message through my thick head! Forgive me for being so stubbornly selfish, and please continue to teach me how to love like You.

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