Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Good times...

I’m super exhausted, but it’s the good kind of tired. The kind from having a busy weekend spending time with your loved ones. Good times…

Saturday I had an impromptu lunch with my mom and brother at Chipotle. Then my mom and I spent some much needed time together shopping, making Valentine’s cake balls for CK’s team, and watching a “Say Yes to the Dress” marathon on Netflix. Love girl time with my momma!

I woke up early on Sunday (despite a heinous storm keeping me up on Saturday night) to make the long drive to see CK. (He hasn’t left the country yet, so we still get opportunities to see each other.) I’d been bugging him about giving Valentines to his team. At first, he hated the idea but he finally caved with the caveat that I make them all some cake balls, too. (He loves to brag on me and my silly hobbies.) I packaged them up in favor boxes with hearts on the side and red tissue shred on the inside. Super cute, but I forgot to take pictures…sorry!

I had a LOVELY time getting to see CK and meeting his team. We enjoyed a nice lunch on base and got a few games of bowling in, too. I gave him his Valentine’s gift and showed him what he had bought me. (It came in the mail on Saturday, but I wasn’t supposed to open it…oops.) It’s a precious book called Me Without You that describes what his life without me would be like. It’s small enough to carry in my purse and read whenever I’m missing him. My favorite part is the end. Don’t worry—I won’t spoil it. You’ll have to get your own copy to learn how it turns out.

Our time ended with a distribution of the cake balls and Batman valentines to a very appreciative (and hungry!) team of Soldiers. Then CK walked me to my car, wiped away my tears, and sent me on my way.

I don’t think saying goodbye will ever get any easier, but I’m thankful for the few hours we spent together. On our first drive down, he asked me if we could continue to laugh with each other during our time apart. I told him yes and we have, but there’s something really special about laughing and giggling in the arms of the one you love. This is one lucky girl.

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