Monday, February 4, 2013

I'm inspired!

Welcome to my newest blog! I promise to be much more committed to this one than my crafting blog. The reason behind this blog is simple. My main squeeze just deployed and I'm missing him big time. Luckily, I have family, friends, and faith in a loving God to get me through this lonely year. I'm documenting the smiles and trials of this next year to give hope to those in the same situation.

It's Day 3 of our time apart. I'm sad, but not down. I'm missing him, but I'm still ok. Actually, I'm more than ok. I am inspired! Inspired to connect with CK on a whole new level of romance, appreciation, and support. Inspired to invest more time, energy, and effort in my family and friendships. Inspired to reignite my passion for the Lord and share the exciting ways He is working in my life.

I hope you will stick by me during this tricky time. I'm sure there are good things to come...

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